Personal webcashmoteur

The webcashmoteur is a proposed project of Android App, enabling for free, each registered person with the ability of the free creation of digital savings, shifting 10€uros parcels in digital objects called "owndated webquantums".

  1. The creator and owner of that singular savings parcels get his webcashaccount with a set of value counters. serving for the ownership needs of evaluation and admnistration.

  2. All these dynamic objects are accounted as personalized-webliving-savings, running the Web W3C in cashkeeping mode, because it have been created to get the right to share an organized cash production in order to have the right to share the organized distribution of these webcashmatic results.

  3. Each day at 12:00 New York local time, these cash results are applied at the T.O.M. (Timestock-Owned-Market) and distribued free of webcashmatic-payed-taxes.
